How to manage clothes in hospital


Fabric use in hospital is a source containing the bacteria should process management and cleaning fabric/cothes must also ensure a clean kill bacteriaHere's one process management fabrics:

1.The process fabric treatment at the department-room :

The process fabric treatment at the department-room are made as belows:

+, For the fabric no blood and fluids

- Put immediately in the laundry cart

- Not put in the stretcher

- Not out in the patient bed

      +, For the fabric contained blood and fluids

-  Put on the yellow plastic bag, tie it closed while awaiting transport to the laundry.

-  Much blood soaked linen to leave in two layers bag

-  Not put in the patient bed or stretcher. Not to open bag

-  Not shake linens at departments.

-  Wear gloves, gowns, masks when need to classify and exposure to blood-soaked linen

Note: All linens were soaked with blood and fluids must be processed the same, regardless of whether it is in patients with HIV / AIDS or not

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How to manage clothes in hospital 

2. Linen treatment process at departments for patients important disease as SARS, H5N1

All linen and even have blood or fluids are treated together as infected linen:

Clear plastic bags separately on gold, tied, noted outside. Absolutely not washing linens at departments. Wear adequate protective devices when handling linen

3. The process of disinfection washing at laundry.

3.1: Vehicles
- Containers for sterilizing chemicals
- Washing machines - driers
- Chemical disinfection: Javel 10% or Hydrogen Peroxide
- Soap

3.2: The process of washing:

+, Classification linen

Classification for private cleaning:
- Linen employees
- Clothes patients (in bags cloth)
- Linen infected, blood-soaked fluids (in bags of gold)
- Linen operating room
- Sorting by fabric

+, For linens, chemicals, soap and washing machine according to the program:

Washing program is different tune on the severity of infection, fabric. For normal washing machine, customizable cleaning regime is as follows:
Asian. Linen commonly - Adjust program mode soak 15 minutes, the temperature 70oC
b. Linen blood and fluids - Panel program mode soak 30 minutes, the temperature 70oC

3. After the wash cycle, the dryer in linen

4. Iron straight or folded, packed

5. Allocation and reuse